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Produkt zum Begriff Chemical:

  • Introductory Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
    Introductory Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics

    A Practical, Up-to-Date Introduction to Applied Thermodynamics, Including Coverage of Process Simulation Models and an Introduction to Biological Systems   Introductory Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, Second Edition, helps readers master the fundamentals of applied thermodynamics as practiced today: with extensive development of molecular perspectives that enables adaptation to fields including biological systems, environmental applications, and nanotechnology. This text is distinctive in making molecular perspectives accessible at the introductory level and connecting properties with practical implications.   Features of the second edition include   Hierarchical instruction with increasing levels of detail: Content requiring deeper levels of theory is clearly delineated in separate sections and chaptersEarly introduction to the overall perspective of composite systems like distillation columns, reactive processes, and biological systemsLearning objectives, problem-solving strategies for energy balances and phase equilibria, chapter summaries, and “important equations” for every chapterExtensive practical examples, especially coverage of non-ideal mixtures, which include water contamination via hydrocarbons, polymer blending/recycling, oxygenated fuels, hydrogen bonding, osmotic pressure, electrolyte solutions, zwitterions and biological molecules, and other contemporary issuesSupporting software in formats for both MATLAB® and spreadsheetsOnline supplemental sections and resources including instructor slides, ConcepTests, coursecast videos, and other useful resources

    Preis: 108.06 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Essentials of Chemical Reaction Engineering
    Essentials of Chemical Reaction Engineering

    Today’s Definitive, Undergraduate-Level Introduction to Chemical Reaction Engineering Problem-Solving   For 30 years, H. Scott Fogler’s Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering has been the #1 selling text for courses in chemical reaction engineering worldwide. Now, in Essentials of Chemical Reaction Engineering, Second Edition, Fogler has distilled this classic into a modern, introductory-level guide specifically for undergraduates. This is the ideal resource for today’s students: learners who demand instantaneous access to information and want to enjoy learning as they deepen their critical thinking and creative problem-solving skills. Fogler successfully integrates text, visuals, and computer simulations, and links theory to practice through many relevant examples. This updated second edition covers mole balances, conversion and reactor sizing, rate laws and stoichiometry, isothermal reactor design, rate data collection/analysis, multiple reactions, reaction mechanisms, pathways, bioreactions and bioreactors, catalysis, catalytic reactors, nonisothermal reactor designs, and more. Its multiple improvements include a new discussion of activation energy, molecular simulation, and stochastic modeling, and a significantly revamped chapter on heat effects in chemical reactors. To promote the transfer of key skills to real-life settings, Fogler presents three styles of problems: Straightforward problems that reinforce the principles of chemical reaction engineeringLiving Example Problems (LEPs) that allow students to rapidly explore the issues and look for optimal solutionsOpen-ended problems that encourage students to use inquiry-based learning to practice creative problem-solving skills About the Web Site ( The companion Web site offers extensive enrichment opportunities and additional content, including  Complete PowerPoint slides for lecture notes for chemical reaction engineering classesLinks to additional software, including Polymath, MATLAB, Wolfram Mathematica, AspenTech, and COMSOL MultiphysicsInteractive learning resources linked to each chapter, including Learning Objectives, Summary Notes, Web Modules, Interactive Computer Games, Computer Simulations and Experiments, Solved Problems, FAQs, and links to LearnChemELiving Example Problems that provide more than 75 interactive simulations, allowing students to explore the examples and ask “what-if ” questionsProfessional Reference Shelf, containing advanced content on reactors, weighted least squares, experimental planning, laboratory reactors, pharmacokinetics, wire gauze reactors, trickle bed reactors, fluidized bed reactors, CVD boat reactors, detailed explanations of key derivations, and moreProblem-solving strategies and insights on creative and critical thinking Register your product at for convenient access to downloads, updates, and/or corrections as they become available.

    Preis: 100.57 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering
    Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering

    The Definitive Guide to Chemical Reaction Engineering Problem-Solving -- With Updated Content and More Active Learning For decades, H. Scott Fogler's Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering has been the world's dominant chemical reaction engineering text. This Sixth Edition and integrated Web site deliver a more compelling active learning experience than ever before. Using sliders and interactive examples in Wolfram, Python, POLYMATH, and MATLAB, students can explore reactions and reactors by running realistic simulation experiments.Writing for today's students, Fogler provides instant access to information, avoids extraneous details, and presents novel problems linking theory to practice. Faculty can flexibly define their courses, drawing on updated chapters, problems, and extensive Professional Reference Shelf web content at diverse levels of difficulty.The book thoroughly prepares undergraduates to apply chemical reaction kinetics and physics to the design of chemical reactors. And four advanced chapters address graduate-level topics, including effectiveness factors. To support the field's growing emphasis on chemical reactor safety, each chapter now ends with a practical safety lesson.Updates throughout the book reflect current theory and practice and emphasize safetyNew discussions of molecular simulations and stochastic modelingIncreased emphasis on alternative energy sources such as solar and biofuelsThorough reworking of three chapters on heat effects Full chapters on nonideal reactors, diffusion limitations, and residence time distribution About the Companion Web Site ( PowerPoint slides for lecture notes for chemical reaction engineering classesLinks to additional software, including POLYMATH, MATLAB, Wolfram Mathematica, AspenTech, and COMSOLInteractive learning resources linked to each chapter, including Learning Objectives, Summary Notes, Web Modules, Interactive Computer Games, Solved Problems, FAQs, additional homework problems, and links to LearnchemeLiving Example Problems -- unique to this book -- that provide more than 80 interactive simulations, allowing students to explore the examples and ask "what-if" questionsProfessional Reference Shelf, which includes advanced content on reactors, weighted least squares, experimental planning, laboratory reactors, pharmacokinetics, wire gauze reactors, trickle bed reactors, fluidized bed reactors, CVD boat reactors, detailed explanations of key derivations, and moreProblem-solving strategies and insights on creative and critical thinkingRegister your book for convenient access to downloads, updates, and/or corrections as they become available. See inside book for details.

    Preis: 124.11 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
    Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics

    The Clear, Well-Organized Introduction to Thermodynamics Theory and Calculations for All Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Students   This text is designed to make thermodynamics far easier for undergraduate chemical engineering students to learn, and to help them perform thermodynamic calculations with confidence. Drawing on his award-winning courses at Penn State, Dr. Themis Matsoukas focuses on “why” as well as “how.” He offers extensive imagery to help students conceptualize the equations, illuminating thermodynamics with more than 100 figures, as well as 190 examples from within and beyond chemical engineering.   Part I clearly introduces the laws of thermodynamics with applications to pure fluids. Part II extends thermodynamics to mixtures, emphasizing phase and chemical equilibrium. Throughout, Matsoukas focuses on topics that link tightly to other key areas of undergraduate chemical engineering, including separations, reactions, and capstone design. More than 300 end-of-chapter problems range from basic calculations to realistic environmental applications; these can be solved with any leading mathematical software.   Coverage includes • Pure fluids, PVT behavior, and basic calculations of enthalpy and entropy • Fundamental relationships and the calculation of properties from equations of state • Thermodynamic analysis of chemical processes • Phase diagrams of binary and simple ternary systems • Thermodynamics of mixtures using equations of state • Ideal and nonideal solutions • Partial miscibility, solubility of gases and solids, osmotic processes • Reaction equilibrium with applications to single and multiphase reactions  

    Preis: 108.06 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Was sind die besten Lieder von My Chemical Romance?

    Die besten Lieder von My Chemical Romance sind subjektiv und hängen von den individuellen Vorlieben ab. Einige ihrer bekanntesten und beliebtesten Songs sind "Welcome to the Black Parade", "Helena", "I'm Not Okay (I Promise)" und "Teenagers". Diese Lieder zeichnen sich durch ihre eingängigen Melodien, emotionale Texte und energiegeladenen Performances aus.

  • Welche Band magst du lieber: My Chemical Romance oder Panic! at the Disco?

    Ich mag My Chemical Romance lieber als Panic! at the Disco. Ich liebe die emotionale Tiefe und die kraftvolle Musik von My Chemical Romance. Ihre Texte berühren mich auf eine besondere Weise. Obwohl ich auch Panic! at the Disco mag, ziehe ich persönlich die Musik von My Chemical Romance vor.

  • Warum ist Essig ein Konservierungsmittel?

    Essig ist ein Konservierungsmittel, weil er einen sauren pH-Wert hat, der das Wachstum von schädlichen Bakterien, Pilzen und Mikroorganismen hemmt. Der hohe Säuregehalt im Essig schafft eine Umgebung, in der es für diese Organismen schwierig ist zu überleben und sich zu vermehren. Darüber hinaus wirkt Essig auch als Antioxidans, das die Oxidation von Lebensmitteln verlangsamt und somit ihre Haltbarkeit verlängert. Die Essigsäure im Essig hat auch antibakterielle Eigenschaften, die dazu beitragen, Lebensmittel vor Verderb zu schützen. Aufgrund dieser Eigenschaften wird Essig seit langem als natürliche Konservierungsmethode für Lebensmittel verwendet.

  • Welche Pflegemittel bei Pflegegrad 2?

    Welche Pflegemittel bei Pflegegrad 2 werden benötigt, um die tägliche Pflege und Versorgung sicherzustellen? Welche Hilfsmittel wie z.B. Pflegebetten, Rollstühle oder Gehhilfen sind notwendig, um die Mobilität und Selbstständigkeit des Pflegebedürftigen zu unterstützen? Welche speziellen Pflegeprodukte wie Inkontinenzmaterial, Hautpflegeprodukte oder Hilfsmittel zur Körperpflege werden benötigt, um den Pflegebedürftigen optimal zu versorgen? Gibt es zusätzliche Maßnahmen oder Pflegeleistungen, die bei Pflegegrad 2 in Anspruch genommen werden können, um die Pflege zu erleichtern und zu verbessern?

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Chemical:

  • Chemical Process Safety: Fundamentals with Applications
    Chemical Process Safety: Fundamentals with Applications

    The #1 Process Safety Guide, Now Extensively Updated for Current Industrial Processes, Systems, and Practices   Process safety has seen a dramatic consolidation of concepts in the past few years. Chemical Process Safety, Fourth Edition, provides students and working engineers with the understanding necessary to apply these new concepts to safely design and operate any process.   Long the definitive guide in the field, this edition fully reflects major recent advances in process safety technology and practice. Readers will find extensive new and updated coverage of relief sizing, hazards identification, risk assessment, and many other topics. Several chapters have been completely rewritten, and all are substantially modified. This textbook includes 50 new problems and solutions (mostly in SI units), and 25 new case histories.   Safety culturePreventive and mitigative safeguardsThe CCPS 20 elements of Risk Based Process Safety (RBPS)Toxicology, industrial hygiene, and source modelsHazardous material dispersionFires, explosions, and concepts for preventing themChemical reactivityReliefs and relief sizingHazards identification and evaluationRisk analysis and assessment, including Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA)Safety strategies, procedures, designs, case histories, and lessons learned  Crowl and Louvar link key academic concepts to modern industrial practice, making this guide invaluable for all engineering students and for all working engineers.   Register your product for convenient access to downloads, updates, and/or corrections as they become available. See inside book for details.

    Preis: 124.11 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • The Chemical Brothers: Paused in Cosmic Reflection
    The Chemical Brothers: Paused in Cosmic Reflection

    Paused in Cosmic Reflection , The Chemical Brothers emerged in the early 1990s, an electronic music duo consisting of Tom Rowlands and Ed Simons. Alongside The Prodigy and Fat Boy Slim they made the leap from the underground into the mainstream on the back of the 'big beat' genre, and the million-selling success of their debut, Exit Planet Dust. Their second album, Dig Your Own Hole went stratospheric in 1997 and they have collectively, had 6 number one albums. Their original and incredibly influential but tiny residency was at the Heavenly Social in 1994. They have collaborated with a host of internationally famous artists from Noel Gallagher to Mazzy Star and Richard Ashcroft. This is the story of the band, in their own words, and with contributions from intimate friends and collaborators. The book will be fully illustrated with photography and design work from the archives. The Chemical Brothers have headlined major festivals including Glastonbury and won six Grammys. They are unquestionably one of the biggest electronic music acts in the world today. , >

    Preis: 36.00 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering
    Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering

    The #1 Guide to Chemical Engineering Principles, Techniques, Calculations, and Applications--Revised, Streamlined, and Modernized with New ExamplesBasic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering, Ninth Edition, has been thoroughly revised, streamlined, and updated to reflect sweeping changes in the chemical engineering field. This introductory guide addresses the full scope of contemporary chemical, petroleum, and environmental engineering applications and contains extensive new coverage and examples related to biotech, nanotech, green/environmental engineering, and process safety, with many new MATLAB and Python problems throughout.Authors David M. Himmelblau and James B. Riggs offer a strong foundation of skills and knowledge for successful study and practice, guiding students through formulating and solving material and energy balance problems, as well as describing gases, liquids, and vapors. Throughout, they introduce efficient, consistent, learner-friendly ways to solve problems, analyze data, and gain a conceptual, application-based understanding of modern processes.This edition condenses coverage from previous editions to serve today's students and faculty more efficiently. In two entirely new chapters, the authors provide a comprehensive introduction to dynamic material and energy balances, as well as psychrometric charts.Modular chapters designed to support introductory courses of any lengthIntroductions to unit conversions, basis selection, and process measurementsStrategies for solving diverse material and energy balance problems, including material balances with chemical reaction and for multi-unit processes, and energy balances with reactionClear introductions to key concepts ranging from stoichiometry to enthalpyCoverage of ideal/real gases, multi-phase equilibria, unsteady-state material, humidity (psychrometric) charts, and moreSelf-assessment questions to help readers identify areas they don't fully understandThought, discussion, and homework problems in every chapterNew biotech, bioengineering, nanotechnology, green/environmental engineering, and process safety coverageRelevant new MATLAB and Python homework problems and projectsExtensive tables, charts, and glossaries in each chapterReference appendices presenting atomic weights and numbers, Pitzer Z^0/Z^1 factors, heats of formation and combustion, and moreEasier than ever to use, this book is the definitive practical introduction for students, license candidates, practicing engineers, and scientists.Supplemental Online Content (available with book registration):Three additional chapters on Heats of Solution and Mixing, Liquids and Gases in Equilibrium with Solids, and Solving Material and Energy Balances with Process Simulators (Flowsheeting Codes)Nine additional appendices: Physical Properties of Various Organic and Inorganic Substances, Heat Capacity Equations, Vapor Pressures, Heats of Solution and Dilution, Enthalpy-Concentration Data, Thermodynamic Charts, Physical Properties of Petroleum Fractions, Solution of Sets of Equations, Fitting Functions to DataRegister your book for convenient access to downloads, updates, and/or corrections as they become available. See inside book for details.

    Preis: 124.11 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Analysis, Synthesis, and Design of Chemical Processes
    Analysis, Synthesis, and Design of Chemical Processes

    The Leading Integrated Chemical Process Design Guide: With Extensive Coverage of Equipment Design and Other Key Topics   More than ever, effective design is the focal point of sound chemical engineering. Analysis, Synthesis, and Design of Chemical Processes, Fifth Edition, presents design as a creative process that integrates the big-picture and small details, and knows which to stress when and why. Realistic from start to finish, it moves readers beyond classroom exercises into open-ended, real-world problem solving. The authors introduce up-to-date, integrated techniques ranging from finance to operations, and new plant design to existing process optimization.   The fifth edition includes updated safety and ethics resources and economic factors indices, as well as an extensive, new section focused on process equipment design and performance, covering equipment design for common unit operations, such as fluid flow, heat transfer, separations, reactors, and more.  Conceptualization and analysis: process diagrams, configurations, batch processing, product design, and analyzing existing processesEconomic analysis: estimating fixed capital investment and manufacturing costs, measuring process profitability, and moreSynthesis and optimization: process simulation, thermodynamic models, separation operations, heat integration, steady-state and dynamic process simulators, and process regulationChemical equipment design and performance: a full section of expanded and revamped coverage of designing process equipment and evaluating the performance of current equipmentAdvanced steady-state simulation: goals, models, solution strategies, and sensitivity and optimization resultsDynamic simulation: goals, development, solution methods, algorithms, and solversSocietal impacts: ethics, professionalism, health, safety, environmental issues, and green engineeringInterpersonal and communication skills: working in teams, communicating effectively, and writing better reports This text draws on a combined 55 years of innovative instruction at West Virginia University (WVU) and the University of Nevada, Reno. It includes suggested curricula for one- and two-semester design courses, case studies, projects, equipment cost data, and extensive preliminary design information for jump-starting more detailed analyses.

    Preis: 139.09 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Wie funktionieren Entkalkungsmittel und welche natürlichen Alternativen gibt es?

    Entkalkungsmittel lösen Kalkablagerungen durch chemische Reaktionen auf. Sie enthalten meist Säuren wie Zitronen- oder Essigsäure. Natürliche Alternativen sind Essig, Zitronensäure oder Backpulver, die ebenfalls Kalkablagerungen lösen können.

  • Wie wirkt ein Desinfektionsmittel?

    Ein Desinfektionsmittel wirkt, indem es Mikroorganismen wie Bakterien, Viren und Pilze abtötet oder in ihrer Vermehrung hemmt. Dies geschieht durch chemische Substanzen, die die Zellmembran der Mikroorganismen angreifen und zerstören. Dadurch werden die Krankheitserreger unschädlich gemacht und die Infektionsgefahr verringert. Desinfektionsmittel können auf Oberflächen, Instrumenten oder auch auf der Haut angewendet werden, um eine hygienische Umgebung zu gewährleisten. Es ist wichtig, Desinfektionsmittel sachgemäß und gemäß den Anweisungen zu verwenden, um eine effektive Desinfektion zu erreichen.

  • Darf man Desinfektionsmittel einatmen?

    Nein, es ist nicht empfehlenswert, Desinfektionsmittel direkt einzuatmen. Die meisten Desinfektionsmittel enthalten Chemikalien, die schädlich für die Atemwege sein können. Es ist wichtig, Desinfektionsmittel gemäß den Anweisungen zu verwenden und sicherzustellen, dass der Raum gut belüftet ist.

  • Ist Desinfektionsmittel ein Schnüffelstoff?

    Nein, Desinfektionsmittel ist kein Schnüffelstoff. Es wird verwendet, um Oberflächen von Krankheitserregern zu reinigen und zu desinfizieren. Das Einatmen von Desinfektionsmitteln kann jedoch gesundheitsschädlich sein und sollte vermieden werden.

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